Creating spatial weight matrix using Geoda and Stata
先使用Geoda生成gal文件,然后使用下面的stata commands来生成空间加权矩阵文件:
ssc install spwmatrix
* remove the first and last lines of the txt file spwmatrix import using
spwmatrix import using C:\Users\*USER*\Desktop\Tutorial\, wname(weights) xport(weights, txt)
insheet using "C:\Users\*USER*\Desktop\Tutorial\weights.txt", delim(" ") clear
save "weights.dta"
gen id = _n
order id, first
rename v(#) m(#)
rename v(##) m(##)
rename v(###) m(###)
gsort -id
drop id
gen id = _n
order id, first