Creating spatial weight matrix using Geoda and Stata

先使用Geoda生成gal文件,然后使用下面的stata commands来生成空间加权矩阵文件: ssc install spwmatrix * remove the first and last lines of the txt file spwmatrix import using spwmatrix import using C:\Users\*USER*\Desktop\Tutorial\, wname(weights)

How To: Create sequential numbers in a field using Python in the Field Calculator

1 Create a new short integer field. 2 Right-click the new field and select Field Calculator. 3 Set the Parser to Python. 4 Check the check box for Show Codeblock. 5 Paste the following into the Pre-Logic Script Code: rec=0 def autoIncrement(): global rec pStart = 1 pInterval = 1 if (rec == 0): rec = pStart else: rec += pInterval return rec 6 Paste the following code in the smaller box below the Pre-Logic Script Code: